Dyscalculia Activities: A different take on improving early math skills

List of dyscalculia activities

Dyscalculia is a learning disorder where the child cannot process the numbers or related operations in the mind using conventional methods. The dyscalculic children need alternative ways of learning math concepts. Such alternatives include activities that drive the children towards building number literacy and early math skills. Dyscalculia activities are helpful for home-schooling children. These … Read more

5 apps for improving number recognition skills

List of top 5 number recognition apps

Number recognition, really? Why do we even need to talk about it? Don’t we all know numbers?  These are a few thoughts that creep into our minds very easily when somebody talks about number recognition as something worth learning. Yes, it is true; we all have grown up with numbers all around us. However, we … Read more

Dyscalculia Checklist: Signs to look for

dyscalculia checklist

REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S EXPERT PANEL ON AUG. 11, 2020 Dyscalculia is the difficulty of learning mathematics. It is not something that you can cure. This learning disorder is a part of the personality of a person. The only way to beat this disorder is to learn the ways to live with it. About 5% of students in … Read more

Important types of dyscalculia

Important types of dyscalculia

REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S EXPERT PANEL ON AUG. 10, 2020 Often left undiagnosed behind dyslexia, Dyscalculia is the math’s and mathematical operations’ learning difficulty. This difficulty can stay with person throughout life. A dyscalculic person finds it difficult to recognize and count numbers; also, they cannot do mental math or judge distance or height, or deal with currency … Read more

Top 11 apps for practicing sight words

List of top 10 sight word apps

Sight words are pivotal to building a strong foundation of basic reading skills in little learners. Therefore, holding a grasp on these skills must be solid right from the very beginning. The ideal age for inculcating this skill begins when the children are in preschool and kindergarten. To recognize these words quickly, you need to … Read more

8 Roman Numerals activities for little learners

8 helpful roman numerals activities

Roman Numerals are signs representing numbers we normally use in the decimal system of numbering. Though not much in the application in modern times, these numerals are still used for numbering hours in a clock, chapters, and editions of the books, etc. This system of number saw rampant use in olden times where residential blocks … Read more

Free Printable Number Recognition Worksheets 1-20 [PDF]

free printable number recognition worksheets 1-20 pdf

Kids’ ability to recognize, visualize as well as name the very basic numerals is analyzed in terms of his/her number recognition skills. Number recognition skills are required to be well imbibed in young learners as for them to take on advanced concepts later in academics. It doesn’t take much energy and time if the right … Read more

12 Best Online Sight Word Games For Kids

sight word games

Literary skills are among the core skills that must be inculcated in any child for coping better with the world. The foundational basics that can strengthen one’s literary skills are the frequency with which one can recognize the words. If one could recognize a word at the very instant one sees it, without the requirement … Read more

Top 15 books on learning sight words

sight word books

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. Sight words are the commonly used words that need to be recognized at a glance. Instant words and snap words are the other names of sight words. These words appear too often in sentences and help add lucidity to them. Sight words … Read more

What are Sight Words? Strategies to teach sight words for effective results

sight words guide

Life skills are fundamental to living a fulfilled life in the best way. Out of all the necessary skills, one of the finest and most crucial of such skills is language skills. The language skills are primarily cultivated by Listening and Speaking, while they are enhanced by reading and writing. The basics of reading and … Read more