11 helpful apps for your learning disability

List of 10 helpful apps for learning disabilities

What is it like to be in the shoes of someone with a learning disability? The day-to-day lessons can be no less than a nightmare because they are differently abled. If your child is one of those suffering from learning disabilities such as dyslexia or dyscalculia, the effects can be magnanimous. As a parent, dealing … Read more

Dyscalculia Activities: A different take on improving early math skills

List of dyscalculia activities

Dyscalculia is a learning disorder where the child cannot process the numbers or related operations in the mind using conventional methods. The dyscalculic children need alternative ways of learning math concepts. Such alternatives include activities that drive the children towards building number literacy and early math skills. Dyscalculia activities are helpful for home-schooling children. These … Read more

5 apps for improving number recognition skills

List of top 5 number recognition apps

Number recognition, really? Why do we even need to talk about it? Don’t we all know numbers?  These are a few thoughts that creep into our minds very easily when somebody talks about number recognition as something worth learning. Yes, it is true; we all have grown up with numbers all around us. However, we … Read more

8 Roman Numerals activities for little learners

8 helpful roman numerals activities

Roman Numerals are signs representing numbers we normally use in the decimal system of numbering. Though not much in the application in modern times, these numerals are still used for numbering hours in a clock, chapters, and editions of the books, etc. This system of number saw rampant use in olden times where residential blocks … Read more

12 Best Online Sight Word Games For Kids

sight word games

Literary skills are among the core skills that must be inculcated in any child for coping better with the world. The foundational basics that can strengthen one’s literary skills are the frequency with which one can recognize the words. If one could recognize a word at the very instant one sees it, without the requirement … Read more

Top 15 books on learning sight words

sight word books

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. Sight words are the commonly used words that need to be recognized at a glance. Instant words and snap words are the other names of sight words. These words appear too often in sentences and help add lucidity to them. Sight words … Read more

Top 10 math manipulatives for kindergarteners

math manipulatives for kids

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. Math and its scare is not something unknown to the world. Most of the early learners display reluctant behavior in acclimatizing to numbers and related operations. In such a scenario, children suffering from learning difficulties get camouflaged in the horde. Therefore, … Read more

10 Popular Number Recognition Activities For Kids

number recognition activities

Number recognition is the ability to recognize numbers by their names and shapes and consequently assign them meaning through similar quantities. That is, the child learns how the number 3 looks and sounds and consequently understands that there are 3 apples lying on the table. This is used to then teach the child the art … Read more

Top 10 Number Recognition Games To Play Online [2024]

Number Recognition Games To Play Online [2022]

There are a few basic skills indispensable to anybody’s normal living, as those are the basis for inculcating other skills. One such important skill is the number recognition skill which encompasses various aspects of it. Caretakers/ educators needn’t struggle much and can employ smart & efficient ways for teaching these skills, like apps, activities, and … Read more

Top 5 Websites for Dyscalculia

list of top 5 dyscalculia websites

The Internet has become a valuable source of information. There is hardly any problem where the solution is not available. People facing various kinds of issues turn to the web to find all possible help. The educationists and subject matter experts, accordingly, are creating invaluably informative material to offer a readymade solution. One such issue … Read more